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You are or you are not


a world of light and shadow



DA = YES / SI / YA

We are stardust

Our future will be quantum or it will not be

We are through each other

Our distorted thoughts are sabotaging us

Atomic Habits are the beginning of what we want to be

Atavistic cognition is real

I am nobody and I am somebody. How absurd, right? Has no sense. I am or I am not. Yet sometimes I am, sometimes I am not. I think this just depends on the narrative that I am telling myself. I have a common denominator with the rest of the people and that consists in the need to feel good. Who does not want to be happy? What if happiness is a condition of the mind? But how to reinforce this condition? How to cancel my cognitive distortions and stop reacting from the autopilot?




According to scientific studies, we have about 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them are negative , repetitive and from the past.

We have known for a long time that it is not reality itself
the one that triggers our emotions but the interpretation we make about it.
That is, how we perceive it and how we interpret it.


it is not the problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem. "

Jack sparrow

1. The beliefs that mark my existence

The outer world vs the inner world

We want to be original and authentic in the setting of a life that is nothing more than a fertile paradox.

We are born unique but we are not allowed to conserve our nature completely, because our identity is not only constituted by our potential as a human being, but also from social interaction, from the games in which we participate with others . We learn about moral and existential demands, as well as those mandatory aspirations - such as those to achieve success, (career, money, family, beauty) - and suddenly, we get lost in the middle of the puzzle, programmed to live in series .

Each of us comes equipped with automatic reaction programs, however, our vital experiences and the idiosyncrasies with which we have lived will shape that genetic baggage over the years to define our responses and manifestations to the emotional stimuli of the environment. The biological design that governs our emotional spectrum has been present in us for more than fifty thousand generations and has contributed to our survival as a species.

In the West, emotions have long been relegated to the background, prioritizing logic and reason when making our decisions, but thanks to advances in neuroscience, today we know that emotions govern our actions, they ultimately determine our decisions and also have a social function, since they allow us to communicate and understand others.

luna que mira


Are we connected to the universe?

Matter is more "nothing" (energy) than "something" (particles). The atom is made up of 99.99999 percent energy and 00.00001 percent matter.

How many atoms does the human body have?

Our body is made up of 60-70% water, which has 3 atoms: two hydrogen and one oxygen. In one mole of water there are about 600,000 trillion molecules (Avogadro's number) and each mole weighs 18 grams. In a human body that weighs 70 kg there are about 3900 moles of water, equivalent to 10 ^ 28 atoms, that is, a 1 followed by 28 zeros or, what is the same, 10,000 quadrillion, which means: 7 kg of hydrogen ; 45.5 kg of oxygen; 13.56 kg of carbon; 2.24 kg of nitrogen; 0.97 kg of calcium; 0.45 kg of phosphorus; 0.13 kg of chlorine and 0.15 kg of potassium . (WIKIPEDIA)

"We organic beings who call ourselves human beings are made of the same matter as stars" (American astronomer Harlow Shapley).


How can we transform our reality ...

Quantum physicists discovered that the person who is observing the infinitesimal particles of the atom affects the behavior of energy and matter. Quantum experiments showed that electrons exist as infinite possibilities or probabilities in an invisible field of energy. But only when the observer looks at any location on an electron does that electron appear.

Does everything that exists in our physical reality exist as pure potential?

What are we transmitting as an electromagnetic footprint in everyday life?

Most of my life I have been carried away by my vibrational incoherence. My quantum mind and body were not alienated. My wishes and goals were sabotaged by a silent voice hidden in a brain designed to help me survive, through its predictions about the future.

As human beings we cannot understand reality as it is in itself, we only get to know our perception of reality. We experience and respond to the world around us mainly through our neuro-linguistic maps of reality (that is, our sensory representation systems) which are what determine the way we behave and the meaning we give to our reactions and Actions.


The processes that take place in our inner world and in the outer world are systematic: our bodies, our cultures and our universe form an ecology of complex systems and subsystems that interact and influence each other. It is not possible to completely isolate one part of the system from the rest of the system. Such systems are based on certain principles of self-organization and directly seek those optimal states of equilibrium or homeostasis.

"When our behavior matches our intentions, when our actions equal our thoughts, when our mind and body are working together, when our words and our actions are aligned, there is immense power behind any individual." (Dr. Joe Dispenza)

"If our thinking gets bogged down by distorted symbolic meanings, illogical reasoning and misinterpretations, we become, indeed, blind and deaf"

-TO. Beck-



Our emotions and the reality around us are not the same thing Aaron Beck

"If we are what we think, then let those thoughts allow us to be free, happy and competent"


"If we stumble forward without having a clear sense of where we are going or what we are doing, we are destined to hurt ourselves and others." Aaron Beck

Let's be honest: we all have our own personal limits, related to our ability (to create abundance in our lives, to believe in ourselves or to make some kind of change in our body) or our inability (to stop reproducing the same results, the same thoughts and undertake the same paths over and over again), but to become unlimited we have to overcome our complexes and our fears, as well as learn how to identify what our cognitive distortions are. Different structures in our brain are responsible for creating these ideas and controlling our responses. The main regions involved are the cingulate cortex and the right prefrontal cortex, which are involved in planning, self-control, and goal setting.

Changes in our brain do not occur from one day to the next. They require a minimal and repetitive effort of 66 days and sometimes even up to 365 days. I have used various techniques of creativity and meditation to get to delve very deeply into my soul and to know myself, but none of this would have worked if I had not made the decision to spend time with patience and love, to contemplate who I want to be. . It has been necessary and painful to separate myself from who I thought I was to reinvent myself again. Breaking with the past, with my distorted thoughts has not been a bed of roses, but I had suffered too many years what is called the "Parable of the boiled frog"; I lived thinking the same as my environment, creating the same life day after day. Really changing means for me to think beyond my situation, the circumstances of my life or the conditions of the world. The only way to live the life I wanted to live was to learn to reflect my feelings of abundance, empowerment, and gratitude in my thoughts and beliefs. If we don't dominate our minds, the outside world will do it for us.

2. I am PAS:

Highly sensitive person


Plus / minus

Being PAS is genetic, we carry it in our energies, in our atoms, it is part of our destiny. Perhaps we bring it from past lives, for those who want to believe in the incarnation. Perhaps, our God rewards us and punishes us at the same time with this gift. It is not easy to live like this. Such a large soul, scalded in intense emotions and feelings, is not easy to fit into the size and fragility of ephemeral skin.

Zoom emotions

I cared about everything

When I say everything, I mean ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I lived every detail of my existence in zoom mode: I dedicated myself too much to people, to things, to my dreams. For me, my joys have been and continue to be just as intense as those of young children. The sorrows and disappointments have been devastating, especially when I was a teenager: the pain was so deep that my heart ached in my chest, it hurt so much that I could feel it twisted to the rhythm of my emotional spasms.

Niña de las flores

What is it to be a Highly Sensitive Person?

I am always learning about the structure of my subjective experience that is blessing MY life:

Processing depth

Overstimulation or Saturation

Sensitivity to subtleties

+ My great emotionality,

empathy, creativity and intuition are now my strengths.

- Unpleasant sounds are usually quite annoying for me (misophonia)


how I act , how I think and how I feel is the sum total of my personality .

This is how I am creating my personal reality

I am ENFP: Activist

I love to focus on both ideas and people, because I see everyone and everything as part of a cosmic whole.

reunión de negocios


Curious, self-taught, observant, energetic and enthusiastic, mindfulness, friendly and empathetic, idealistic, fun, leader; Thanks to my dominant intuition I can be very skilled with sophisticated patterns and connections in complex information.


Of the extroverts, I am the most introverted

I have an open and flexible mind, but I tend to passionately defend my moral and ethical values or my life philosophies. I am expressive and sociable, but also very lonely for my episodes of creativity.



Personalization, rumination, high emotional sensitivity, low tolerance to stress and routines or micromanagement; I prefer abstraction over concretion; I don't like to get too involved with all the details of a project, but I enjoy keeping the bigger picture in my mind.

reunión de negocios
A través de la reflexión cristales rotos

Perspective and Vision

My visionary character has always allowed me to read between the lines with curiosity and energy. I like to contemplate life through a prism of emotion, compassion and mysticism, always searching for the deepest meaning. I usually visualize our world, our existence, as a great and complex puzzle, where everything is connected.


A fundamental pillar for my self-esteem is my ability to seek and discover original solutions for a personal and authentic lifestyle. I do not like to live in series and I try when possible, to live my way. It's funny, because I have never felt the desire to listen to others talking about my physical appearance. "Original, funny and intelligent" were the labels that most positively transcended my inner world. My great empathy has helped me to easily decipher the emotional needs of others, although I had a long tendency to project onto others the idealism of my high hopes and personal expectations. Fortunately, I have learned how to relax and how to turn my weaknesses into strengths. Personalization and rumination stopped fracturing me into dramatic bits of painful reminiscences when I understood that the opinion of others does not change my reality, my personality, my being. I accepted that there is no absolute harmony in this fleeting life and I learned to really breathe. Inhale (accept and be grateful for what is coming / or what I have) and exhale (let go of what cannot be changed). Not everyone is like me and I'm not like everyone else. Avoiding the traps of comparisons is like saving your soul from a latent sentence to the annihilation of your great potential as a unique and unrepeatable being.

Temperament: a world of light and shadow ...

... is what makes me who I am.



Nellyda, the fashion therapist

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