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"Order is a sequence in which things, ideas or people are placed in a given space or time"


Clothes are not important until someone lives in them

Western fashion has evolved over centuries. In 16th century Europe they wore stitched clothing with broad shoulders and heavy cut velvet decorated with lace and fine gold. Two centuries later, the fashion for women consisted of skirts and cinched waists to take a leap in the 20th century with short skirts exposing the legs. Today fashion is much more creative and flexible, leaving room for individualistic expressiveness from a daring and futuristic perspective. Minimalism is sometimes spoken of, but in a mega-marketing industry it is difficult to give up the variety of products on the market and focus on acquiring only those required by necessity. Emotional deficiencies or the inescapable moments of affective hypersensitivity, or simply dopamine sometimes determines us to become compulsive shoppers. Not everything we want to own means we really like it. There are several reasons that lead us to believe that we need certain things, and whether we really like them or not is not always one of them.

Why is clothing so important in our lives?

Surely there are dissenting opinions on the matter, but the fashion industry is eloquent proof, reflecting the great interest of buyers in purchasing their products.


Our closet can have a lot of variety: different colors, fabrics, styles and accessories. Did you know that psychologically our clothes say more about us than we think?

Psychologist Jennifer Baumgartner, in her book: You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You , says that “your clothes reveal what is really happening. Your thoughts and feelings are reflected in your closet. "

Order is synonymous with mental, physical, psychological, emotional health

Having your clothes well organized is an obligation , because ...


F. Doctrine, instruction of a person, especially in the moral.

f. Action and effect of disciplining.

Having order and discipline in ours clothes closet, leads us to have a better aesthetic and inspirational perspective and helps us save time when choosing what to wear.

Ilustrado Rose Bud
Lillies blancos

"A disciplined mind leads to happiness and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering."
Dalai Lama

In "You Are What You Wear," Dr. Baumgartner presents some of the most common perception and wardrobe problems. Do you recognize yourself in any of the following?

If you keep all the clothes you've bought, you may be holding onto the past through the sentimental value of your clothes. Golden rule: get rid of 2 out of every 3 items you own.

If you only wear neutral clothing, you may find yourself stuck in a psychological rut, perhaps in your comfort zone, too comfortable to change or too scared to attract attention.

If you dress in clothes that are too big for your body, you may see your body differently from how others see it, or as a reflection of how it was before. Bring a sincere friend with you who gives an opinion when you try on clothes, regardless of sizes.

If you dress in designer clothes, perhaps you think that you need to project a social status of wealth so that others treat you well and that they admire you.

If you still keep the style of your mother's dress, dressing on 80% of your time the same jeans and sweatshirts, it is possible that in your private life you are giving priority to your family, before yourself.

If you usually dress in sportswear or workwear at any time and in any place, perhaps you are valuing yourself solely through your professional achievements or through your body image.


It is enough "with five minutes of observation" to the clothes to "draw numerous conclusions about a person", they count THE STUDIES OF PSYCHOLOGY

"Beauty begins with the decision to be yourself" Coco Chanel

Daring to have your own free style is not an easy task. People judge us and not all personality types choose the leading role in the tragicomedy directed by the paradoxical reality. "What will they say about me if I dress like this" is a cognitive distortion ("the fortune teller's error") that has chained many minds to content themselves with a conformist style to win the title of "invisible person".



Overcoming self-sabotage requires discipline in our thoughts


Dress to become the person you think you should be

The sense of identity is the mental image of who we are and is related to the Five Personality Traits (Big Five): Openness, Responsibility, Extraversion, Kindness and Emotional Stability. For example, extroverts tend to enjoy avant-garde and fashion clothing more, while introverts tend to opt more for a classic or minimalist style, as well as soft tones in the color palette increase friendliness in reserved people. Clothing gives us the opportunity to present our own image for the view of others. It is a tool that transits our energies and our emotions and that gives us the opportunity to enhance what we like about our body and hide what we do not like so much about our silhouette.

However, to define our identity we must make a distinction between our real self (the person we are most of the time) and the ideal self (the person we want to become). The theory of self-discrepancy tells us about how the mismatch between the two levels of our beings affects our self-esteem. Atavic Cognition reveals how formal clothing induces us in a more stable state of mind and a feeling of motivating confidence.
vestido Modelo

Clothes and fashion have the ability to make us different.

Get inspired, tune in and create your personal brand


C onfect your trusty original magnetism. But never, never be

a cheap copy. Always add your footprint of authenticity to your narrative. Seduction thrives on mystery and personal growth.

Modelo dramática
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