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The king dreams he is a king,
And in this delusive way
Lives and rules with sovereign sway;


"Tis a dream that I in sadness
Here am bound, the scorn of fate;
'Twas a dream that once a state
I enjoyed of light and gladness.
What is life? 'Tis but a madness.
What is life? A thing that seems,
A mirage that falsely gleams,
Phantom joy, delusive rest,
Since is life a dream at best,
And even dreams themselves are dreams


Style, personality.

Welcome to SHORT STORIES , my own project born from my passion and full of unique and attractive content. Explore the site and what it has to offer you. Perhaps Short stories can help you find your own passion and perceive the real world in its true nature and variety.

Brings light to the lives of others

We are judged and at the same time we usually judge. We have things in common with others, but nevertheless we are unique and unrepeatable just like our digital footprint. However paradoxical our existence is, there is something transcendental that measures our quality of life: the creation of our happiness.

Personal narratives have the magical power to produce synergies between strangers. People who, when reading the experiences of others, stop feeling lonely or marginalized. The secret of Happiness consists of something as simple as learning to LIVE AND LET LIVE.


Write about your life experience

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