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I have committed the worst of sins that a man can commit. I have not been happy. -Jorge Luis Borge

Life it´s short.

Buy the shoes.

Drink the wine.

Order the dessert.

Life it´s too short... to remove USB safely;

to be serious all the time. (So, if you can laugh at yourself, call me.... I´ll laugh at you hehe)

to spend another day at war with yourself, eat the cake; If we shouldn't eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge?

to drive boring cars

to learn German;

to be average; like and tag a friend bellow;

to be normal; stay weird;

to be living somebody else´s dream;

to wait; when nothing is going right, go left.

for compromises and bad fitting jeans;

to worry about stupid things; Don't worry if plan A fails, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.

to have everything perfect; let your hair out, go wild, be free, and who gives a damn what people thing about you!!

Life is too short to worry about anything.

You should better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing!!

Be silly.

Be funny.

Be different.


because life is too short to be anything but happy.

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