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How to Turn Your Visions into Reality?

All that exists that we are able to purchase and even those things that are not for sale, they all began as a thought. Visualization and emotionalization are such powerful tools of the mind, it is not easy to master them. So, let me provide you with some guidance on how to properly control your mind to delve into the enormous potential of visual and emotional reinforcements.

Start with a vision and make it feel real

The power of your intentional thinking is your first task in harnessing the power of visualization. When you can see and feel yourself holding on to your achievement, your mind will find a way to make it real. The paths leading up to that goal and the means required will become ever so clear to you and you’ll be better motivated to work towards that goal.

Assign a Deadline to Your Goals

Once you are clear on your vision, set up goals and turn them into actionable items that have a specific time frame. Time is fleeting and can easily escape you. Timelines gives you greater control and makes you more accountable.

Take Daily Actions

With the goals clearly set, it is also important to commit to taking action towards achieving them every day. Daily actions bring you closer to your vision and keep you fired up…you become an unstoppable force. Small actions might seem insignificant but with time they accumulate into big tangible results. Taking daily action also builds momentum which in turn motivates you to keep going and makes it less likely for you to give up.

Delete, automate and delegate.

Perform a ‘brain dump’ and take inventory of your everyday tasks right now. Separate them into the three categories: delete, automate and delegate.

Eliminate all distractions. Focus

Concentrate only on what you want the most and so, your vision of that thing will be even more powerful. Everyday, identify your “One Thing” in regards to your vision. Do that before anything else.

Make use of mental affirmation

Do not EVER worry. To worry is to use your powers against yourself. Keep optimistic and along with visualization, verbalize your thoughts. Within your mind, declare, “I am”, “I can” and “I will”, "I am enough". Write it down every single day. Trigger your emotions into self-belief.

ACTION: Write down your vision statement at least once a day, ideally in the morning before doing anything else.

Fake it till you make it

Can’t find a way to be happy? While it can be difficult to find a reason to be happy sometimes, simply envisioning yourself surrounded by happiness can make you glad and peaceful. Simply tell yourself that you are happy. Control your emotions. Picture yourself in high spirit and carve that thought into your mind.

Chunk down your vision into quarterly goals by answering the centering question above. Once accomplished, chunk them down again to weekly and daily actions.

Have faith in yourself

Self-belief is the key to visualizing your success. No matter how hard the task might be, have faith in your abilities. Remember, impossible is nothing.

Avoid Destructive Thinking, Manage Your Expectations

As your subconscious cannot tell what is a dream and what is reality, it is also unable to differentiate between good or bad. As such, if you’re not careful in filtering out your visions, it might have the opposite reaction, taking you to the self-sabotage burn out. It is almost impossible for you not to come face to face with people hell-bent on discouraging you if you have a vision. Maintain your drive and motivation to turn your vision into reality.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping adds clarity to your vision and helps you unravel your ideas fully, as well as keep a record of them. You can use several maps that allow you to further break down your goals. Detailed mind maps are better and allow you to create realistic milestones.

In short, when the path to your desired life seems overwhelming and your efforts alone can’t take you there, resort to the power of visual and emotional reinforcements to get you started. Our life is just a course of fulfillment of our expectations. When the burden seems too heavy and success seems out of reach, utilize the mind-body connection to build up the path to the life you want.


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